New Member
Hey guys can you give me some advise. I called my old freight company that I used to fly as a F.O. My old CP is gone and one of the cool CAs took his place. I needed a copy of my 135 SIC check and he sent it but then offered me a job flying as a CA getting TPIC time and around 42K a year with perdeim. I have had several offers from regionals for interviews and am trying to decide wich to go with. ASA, Pncl and AE. The freight deal would mean getting typed at a cost of 12K (on them) and a 2 year contract to protect their investment. They are contracted to Fedex so thats what I would be hauling. It would be scheduled so I would have weekends off but it would be a long duty day at around 12 hrs with 2.7 hrs flight a day. (Ie. fly out and wait then fly back.) That schedule could change for the better because they have another contract going to the same place that is in and out which would give me about a 5 hr duty day with about 2.7 flt hrs a day. If that other CA moves on.
I can see advantages to each but wanted to hear from you guys.
I can see advantages to each but wanted to hear from you guys.