schloraships for flying


New Member
Are there any places or orginizations out there that will help you pay for flight training towards your PPL. Maybe for like grades or leadership stuff? started a scholarship fund last year and, I think, awarded its first scholarship through ERAU for 10,000. I dont know what the criteria are, but go to and there should be a link somewhere there on the main page. The program was named after the developer of the FLY series of flight simulators, Richard Harvey, who passed away last year from a battle with cancer.
I wasnt talking like a scholarship to a college sorta thing I was talking about like an orginazation giving you money to train at a local airport or a flight school or something.
I don't know, but there is an FBO at Palm Springs called "Million Air". Ask them, since you have the same name they might like the free advertisement.
I heard a story from my mom that she knows somebody whos brother started an aviation club in high school and was able to get the state gove (i think) to pay for most of the training since it was a school thing...i think i might give that a try, and you should consider it!