Safety Videos


Hubschrauber Flieger
Staff member
I'm looking for a couple of specific safety videos I'm hoping someone will have readily available. I've seen these recently, but never grabbed a link or a copy.

1. Runway incursion video - one plane takes off over another on a crossing runway. It had ATC comms and an animated re-creation.

2. Thunderstorm awareness - the scenario was a private plane (maybe a light twin?) flying too close to a storm and crashing near Waco, TX. Had ATC comms and an animated re-creation.

Thanks to any help!

EDIT: Also, if anyone has a suggested safety video that would be remotely related to helicopters that would be appreciated. We have plenty of helo specific stuff - I'm just looking at expanding some horizons. Thanks!
Now I remember why I didn't search YT - I can't access it on the Gov't network. I can see embedded clips though. Weird.
I have that thunderstorm awareness video you are looking for in one of my dozens of presentations. Let me look and I will get back to you as soon as I find it.
Not that this has anything to do with what you deal with @Ian J , but this is a 1971 US Navy safety video for ground crews who would service jets with Liquid Oxygen, when it was the main oxygen source used prior to the advent of OBOGS systems and the like.

I had to watch this one twice: as an enlisted firefighter, and again in UPT.

You can tell it's total 1970s, and well prior to the Tailhook scandal (as you'll see) or any kind of political correctness of today, but it gets the point across.

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I had to watch this one twice: as an enlisted firefighter, and again in UPT

I saw it in Maintenance Officer school in the mid 90s, so Tailhook hadn't quite yet made everything, everywhere be sanitized, sexless, genderless eunuchs.
Yes, those are the only two possible outcomes.
You're suggesting I'm being extreme when your description of the consequences of a few men and a lot of women being sexually assaulted was "everything, everywhere be[ing] sanitized, sexless, genderless eunuchs."

Far better that the Navy and Marines continue sexually assaulting people than make things a little ho-hum in the "lemme feel your ass even if you don't want me to" department, eh?
You're suggesting I'm being extreme

No, I'm suggesting you are making an argument using the logic fallacy of false dilemma. In this case, you apparently believe that the singular alternative to a sanitized sexless environment is raging rapists that are constantly sexually assaulting people.
No, I'm suggesting you are making an argument using the logic fallacy of false dilemma. In this case, you apparently believe that the singular alternative to a sanitized sexless environment is raging rapists that are constantly sexually assaulting people.
Of course I don't. (But, I mean, prior to the sanitization, was there not an excess of sexual assault? Isn't that the whole thing of the Tailhook scandal?)

Interesting, though, that you seem to have more of a problem with the sanitized environment than with people being groped and assaulted in what is supposed to be a mature, professional institution.