BTW, more tail strikes occur during the landing flare than during t/o rotation. Holding it off for a full stall landing like a Cessna is not a good idea. Bad technique and guaranteed tail strike in a big jet.
Ex-B767/757 driver
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I have a relatively flat flare, retard the throttles and bring the nose down after the mains touch.
We're not allowed to hit the thrust reversers until the nosewheel in on the runway because of the clamshell reversers on the -88. Even though the MD-90 has a "sleeve", we're supposed to wait until nosewheel touchdown to go reverse.
We had a 737-300 have a tailstrike on takeoff after a runway incursion. A CAL 737 crossed the active during the DL 737's takeoff roll so the captain rotated way early in an attempt to avoid a deadly situation and successfully got the thing climbing.
And of course, the tailskid was rubbed damned near clean off!