Retiring from the Air Force


New Member
Well it's been quite some time since I've posted on this website and lots of things have changed in life since.

I'm being retired after 17yrs of service due to an injury and still intend to make flying my 2nd career.

I'm still only a Private Pilot, so more flight training is a priority. I bought a Stinson 108-2 project that should be flying in by spring, thanks to the free time I'm about to have in 3 weeks once I'm done with active duty.

I have VA benefits and will be using them to get my ratings and certificates. I plan to use Voc Rehab to pay 100% of whatever I can get them to approve. If however, that is disapproved, I'll use my GI Bill for the 60% reimbursement. I have the money to pay for it....I'm a debt free guy and won't borrow money for this...and don't need to.

The thing I'm still pondering is the direction to go. With Voc Rehab the biggest thing is they want to pay for as little as possible when it comes to flight training, so asking for all the ratings, while possible, likely won't get approved....though I will still give it a shot. I'm trying to decide that if I can only go with a minimum of ratings, if I should go with Instrument, Comm SEL, CFI.....or Instrument, Comm SEL / MEL. I'm thinking the best bet is to go for CFI and work on building hours and experience that way, along with flying my own Stinson, though part of me just wants to get the Comm MEL done and find ways to build Multi time to try to find work.


Also, only my oral & practical left for my A&P, have two Associates in Aviation Maintenance Technology and the other in Education and Training Management. About 30 credits from finishing my BS in Professional Aeronautics....which I'll be finishing with VA benefits.

Happy New Year everyone!
Hey Tadpole...thanks for your service as well!

That's some good questions you are asking there. I guess the big thing would be what you want to do in the future? 121 flying? 135 freight? professional CFI? The arguments for/against FBO/academy are many on here and you may garner some good info in regards to that. I am in a similar position as you (will be retirement eligible in about 2 years) and need to figure out what I am going to do. I have given thought to professional flying, but what kind I want to is what I can't decide on. I am also trying to figure out if I am going to go somewhere I can use the GI bill (will not use it for traditional school...finished through my master's degree) or do the FBO thing. I do know that I want to finish through my MEI, so looking for the most "bang for the buck". I think you are picking a pretty good time to jump into aviation as it looks like things are moving along OK (provided fuel doesn't get too crazy and about 18 other variables) also helps that you WILL NOT be financing any of this. That makes a HUGE, HUGE difference.
I plan to use Voc Rehab to pay 100% of whatever I can get them to approve. If however, that is disapproved, I'll use my GI Bill for the 60% reimbursement. I have the money to pay for it....I'm a debt free guy and won't borrow money for this...and don't need to.

Check out the changes to the Post 9/11 GI Bill. Post 9/11 2.0 as it's being called will cover 100% of technical training costs and give you E-5 with dependents BAH. These changes go into effect Aug 2011. Be sure you sign up before you leave Mother Blue. You could even use Voc Rehab to fund your next rating and then roll in on Post 9/11 this August when the new changes take effect.