republic still hiring for


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is kinda strange..I guess im not good enough for them, as they have had three ads up in a row 3 weeks in a row for the same position I interviewed for a month ago. Too bad, im a good dispatcher.
Cant explain that. Haven't lost the second round of dispatchers yet. So not sure what is going on.

I was interviewed on the first round and told IO wold be placed in the pool.. have not heard another thing.. I have seen the same ads.. but don't know if they are advertising or the employment firms...

I would appreciate any insight as to the "pool".. is this real or not?? thanks
Got an email today from them, there is no pool, and they have hired who they want for the forseable future.. :mad: an insider there told theyhave over 250 applicants to choose from.. they say it is a total cluster...