Repainting a Northwest 747 in Delta Blue: The Movie


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Link to the WSJ Article:

Yes. We’re going back to that well once again.

This 3-minute-and-26 second video shows one of Northwest’s Boeing 747-400s being repainted with Delta livery. (And if that’s not exciting enough for you, check out the keyboard work in the soundtrack.) A hearty hat-tip goes out to the folks at Aviation, where we first saw this this video.

As we’ve written before, the freshly painted Delta 747-400 marks the first time since 1977 that Delta has flown one of these birds. A Delta spokesman told us the jet will be used on routes between the U.S. and Asia, and within Asia from Tokyo. “In the coming weeks it could be spotted on any of the following routes: Detroit-Osaka; Detroit-Nagoya; Detroit-Tokyo; Hong Kong-Tokyo; Honolulu-Tokyo; Osaka-Taipei; Los Angeles-Tokyo; Manila-Nagoya; Manila-Tokyo; Minneapolis-St.Paul-Tokyo; and Tokyo-Shanghai,” he wrote in an e-mail.

We received a lot of comments on the posts we’ve previously written on this topic. Some commenters wondered whether there would be improvements to the interior amenities on the 747-400. We put that question to Delta spokeswoman Betsy Talton and she replied: “By early 2010, we plan to have new leather seat covers, carpet, curtains, etc. on nearly all of the Northwest aircraft.” No word on whether the upgrades will include seatback entertainment systems, however.
Looks like a complex process.

I wonder why they just didn't save the hassle and start repainting the aircraft in 2005 when, OMG imagine the co-inky-dink, NWA and DAL both go BK on the same day!
Should've left it in primer and put "under construction" and flown it around for a few years.. like the import auto enthusiasts coughricers do around these parts..
What is going to happen to the North West cargo 747's? Will they remain mostly bare and say Delta Cargo, or are they getting a full painting?
LOL, I'm am not a greenie, so don't worry. :buck:

No problem but the 'green' issue is going to become a bigger and bigger problem. Europe is already going after aviation as the great source of pollution. But then, polar bears don't fly so I don't see the problem.

I've got it.. we can teach the bears how to handle the paint guns. I mean after all, they can learn how to ride motorcycles, right? We put them to work, help the 'less fortunate' (the bears) and they show up on Oprah. Works for me. (but no on the right to arm bears)
It looked like they just painted over the NW paint scheme? I would've thought to strip the paint first to save weight, then paint new scheme. Or did someone see different?
Looks like a complex process.

I wonder why they just didn't save the hassle and start repainting the aircraft in 2005 when, OMG imagine the co-inky-dink, NWA and DAL both go BK on the same day!

I thought you didn't like the service at Burger King anymore:D
I love the 744 but I'm not sure Im ready to see them in a DL livery.

Give me the ole TriStar any day of the week.

Speaking of DL 744, does anyone know if they will be using them on the new service from LAX to SYD or will it be the 772 ER?
It looked like they just painted over the NW paint scheme? I would've thought to strip the paint first to save weight, then paint new scheme. Or did someone see different?

I think they did dissolve it. Start at :35 in with the closeup on the tail and you can see it eating away the old paint, then the wide shot of the whole body you can see the old NWA compass fading away, then they go through and it's mostly down to bare metal.