Remembering Many Career Changers


Well-Known Member
I have been following jetcareers and many other forums for years. I remember not long ago that there were tons of career changer posts. Now there are only a few since last January.

I guess I am out of touch as I am currently deployed to Iraq. I have dreamed of being a pilot since I was in high school in the 80's. Even scraped up enough money to attend Indiana State University for one semester in their Aviation Program. Due to family committments over the years, I put the dream on backburner.

I have had two successful jobs, one at GE, and my current position with the U.S. Army as a Warrant Officer in Electronic Systems Maintenance.
But, like many people, the dream resurfaces every few years...what if?

I am disheartened at the current industry and wonder if I should just be happy with my current career. I will have a Master's degree before I retire in a few years and a wealth of technical experience; not too bad for a farm boy from the midwest.

Honestly, I can't imagine doing anything in the civilian world except something in Aviation...and if I can't do that...I will stay 30 years and call it quits.

I am thinking I am doing everything backwards compared to the younger, eager prospective pilots. My kids are all grown, I want to retire from the military and try and go into career flight instructing and/or collegiate aviation at the community college level.

You know, I always wanted to fly for the airlines...but after all the research I have been doing, all the deployments and time away from the wife...I think I would be happier flying out of an old airstrip and less headaches. Much like the old movie "The Pilot" where an airline pilot who has a drinking problem leaves the airline and retires to a small flying job. Some of you old-timers might have seen the movie.

Anyway, enough rambling...I have not given up at 43; however, I am going to finish my first career first, start drawing a decent pension first, then start my passion of flying for a living...or not. If I love what I am doing...I will finally be able to live comfortably without worrying about surviving in this industry.

Best of luck to all you guys, I hope things turn around...and I will let you know as things progress.

Warrant in Iraq.
Well the good thing is that you will have a pension to support you once you start to instruct. I'm an instructor at a large "academy" and I just got my largest paycheck since I started working there....... a whopping $550 for 2 weeks. I actually have a student that is in his early 40's and is changing careers so you are not alone. Good luck with whatever you decide and stay safe!
why dont you fly in the military. . . isnt the army in desperate need for pilots? or go into the National Guard or something... you are already a warrant, so isnt it eaiser to change jobs or apply to flight school.
why dont you fly in the military. . . isnt the army in desperate need for pilots? or go into the National Guard or something... you are already a warrant, so isnt it eaiser to change jobs or apply to flight school.

Age cutoff for flight is 33, I am 43....or I would!
Age cutoff for flight is 33, I am 43....or I would!
that sucks. . . cant even get a waiver for that!!!!
Hey getting all your ratings and instructing somewhere is pretty good! be great if you do have the full military retirement then it makes much more finacial sense!
By the way, thanks for the years of service to our country, thank you for the sacfifices you are making!

After the military, everything is easy!!!
I am one of those career changers... I retired from the military after 25 years of service, then went into consulting for about 10 years.. About 3 and half years ago I walked away from "6 figure job to a $6 job" as an instructor. I had always wanted to teach so this was a good path for me. It took me about 3 months to get my initial CFI and I went straight to work at a pretty busy flight school. My hope was to maintain a flight instructor job and pick up a corporate flying gig. The first two years were pretty darn good and average about 80 hours of flight instruction a month. Of course this past year has been pretty bleak. But I enjoy instructing and living the dream... Fortunately I have a little retirement and savings to keep me going through these times.... Still hoping for that corporate gig one day.....
I too was one of those Career Changer threads when it was a lively forum. I represent the other end of the spectrum age wise at 24 years old. After reading plenty of threads on JC, I realised that paying for training and not taking a loan if possible is the way to go!

So after going off the rails a little over the last 12 months, I'm back on the saving plan and should have around $60k by the end of next year to pay for training, get me through those first few months while income will be scarse / non existant.

I'll keep up my old thread as things start to happen next year. First step I'll be taking a trip state stide mid - next year to check out a few schools and areas to live (onle ever been to Dinsey Village in Florida ).