I would like to see a reality check here. If anyone wishes to reply, please do so with as much truth as you can muster.
The question is, just how long [on average] will it take for someone starting out in this profession to reach a point where he/she can say I'm here?
This can be broken down into categories, so lets attempt to do that. And, be aware that Im not looking for the part time happy to be there job. Im looking for the full time pay the bills job.
I know the times will be quite different for someone willing to live ten to a room in a flop house and someone with a wife and children to support. That being said;
From start too happy;
Instructor - if it is possible to survive
Corporate ;
Cargo ; [big time]
Cargo [small time- i.e. Check hauler type]
Small carrier
BIG carrier
Assorted other jobs Pipeline Power line type.
ll start: Off and on 10 years + 900 hrs after retiring from the mil. Pipeline and could survive on it. [Mil. Retirement just allows a higher class of survivability]
The question is, just how long [on average] will it take for someone starting out in this profession to reach a point where he/she can say I'm here?
This can be broken down into categories, so lets attempt to do that. And, be aware that Im not looking for the part time happy to be there job. Im looking for the full time pay the bills job.
I know the times will be quite different for someone willing to live ten to a room in a flop house and someone with a wife and children to support. That being said;
From start too happy;
Instructor - if it is possible to survive
Corporate ;
Cargo ; [big time]
Cargo [small time- i.e. Check hauler type]
Small carrier
BIG carrier
Assorted other jobs Pipeline Power line type.
ll start: Off and on 10 years + 900 hrs after retiring from the mil. Pipeline and could survive on it. [Mil. Retirement just allows a higher class of survivability]