It's been changing lately, and it differs between the CONUS, the Pacific, and Europe, but in the training command it currently works like this:
Inexperienced pilot: 300/1
Experienced or IP: Published mins
Used to be that there were multiple categories:
Cat A: 300/1
Cat B: 500/1.5
Cat C: 700/2
Cat D: 1500/3
I see, yeah he was a pretty senior guy so he probably was referencing the old system. So does that rule apply outside of the tracom? It makes sense for multicrew aircraft, but it seems like it would potentially be impractical in a single seat aircraft where you can't swap pilots. Not that 300/1 isn't pretty low as it is, but 1500/3....thats above basic VFR.
And even here, different MAJCOMs termed it differently. Cat A/B/C/D in ACC was Cat 1/2/3/4 in PACAF, at least a decade ago.
Could a civillian fly in this system, are there opportunities to do so, or would you always be classed as "(solo) student" without enrolling in the AF...
300/1 was for everyone else.
Thanks for the explanation. So is 300/1 the absolute minimum for all AF aircrew then?
Currently, no. Currently the mins (in AETC and USAFE, at least) are "published mins".
At some point in the past, depending on which "Command" you were in, there were places where 300/1 was the lowest weather category.
MAC/AMC never had any "reduced" mins. We flew to published CATII manual or autoland mins in the C-141.
MAC has always been more relaxed.....heck even TAC/ACC with crew aircraft......than they ever were with the single-seats. I believe the PWC mins were only for the tactical planes. I don't know if SAC had any such restrictions?