Question for CFI's


New Member
Question for CFI\'s

We have a marker board at work, and I was thinking of making a "grid" on it with all the students listed down the left side, and on the top, a list of our lessons (we use Jepp sylabus). Then I would like to have a magnetic rectangle so we can move it under each lesson the each student is on, so it is easier to track what the students are doing.

Anyone ever do this at their work? Where can I find materials to do this?
Re: Question for CFI\'s

If this is going to be visible to everyone, I think it's a bad idea. You don't want Tim lookjng at the board and noticeing that Janet is progressing at a much faster pace. Unless, of course, you want to get rid of Tim as a student.
Re: Question for CFI\'s

I agree with Midlifeflyer...if this is going to be in an employee-only area, then it's cool. It could, however, create some tension among the students (Although in the military, it works great....)!!
Re: Question for CFI\'s

How about using the Jepp Folders they sell, or make a spreadsheet your self. I also think it is a bad idea to display their progress for everyone to see.
Re: Question for CFI\'s

Yeah, I agree with the others and say make something private unless that board is only visible to instructors. What I do is make up a manilla folder for each student. Each folder contains their contact info., a couple of 8710 forms, a progress sheet that I made up to follow the appropriate PTS, and whatever other notes and comments that I have on them. I hold onto these folders, and they never really see them unless they ask. So the student knows their progress, I either have them get a Jepp progress card, or we fill out and they get a copy of a little evaluation sheet that I made.
Re: Question for CFI\'s


I use the Jepp folders (or ASA, whichever is on hand) and I end up "fortifying" them with all sorts of other stuff. Their pre-solo exam, airplane checkout sheet, our little emergency checklist sheet you and I have discussed, etc..

I have not taught GS, but if I did, I would still use the training jackets. Cuz I can record all that good info, like name address phone ##'s, etc.. essentially beginning a paper trail.

By the way, this is as much marketing as it is "keeping good records."

Re: Question for CFI\'s

Rats...The link takes you only to the top level. You will have to drill down to the records folder.
The Jepp folder is comprehensive, but a little unwieldy in the cockpit to unfold. I also like the Gaits Aviation Seminars, Inc Comprehensive Flight Training Log, which yields a carbon copy for the student after each lesson to show progress.
I expect you will eventually evolve to your own personal preferences.
Re: Question for CFI\'s

Where do i get these jepp folders?

[/ QUOTE ]Any pilot shop that carries Jepp training materials should have them. In addition to ordering from Jepp, you can find a whole bunch of online dealers who carry them with a simple Goggle search

If the students are purchasing the Jepp 141 kit, it's included, but they are available separately. Your students should be buying them (not you) as part of their own training materials.

There's a similar concept item that ASA carries:
Re: Question for CFI\'s

The Jepp folder is comprehensive, but a little unwieldy in the cockpit to unfold. I also like the Gaits Aviation Seminars, Inc Comprehensive Flight Training Log, which yields a carbon copy for the student after each lesson to show progress.

[/ QUOTE ]I like the training log also (although I "rolled my own" kneeboard-sized multi-part form for in-cockpit use).

I like the combination of a per lesson form like the Gaits product, which can be used for =all= instruction, not only instruction toward a certificate or rating, but checkouts, flight reviews, transitions and a spreadsheet-type form like the Jepp folder for tracking the overall progress toward a certificate or rating.

FWIW, the current version of the Excel spreadsheet I use instead of the Jepp folder is available for download at

(Excuse the pop-ups. It's not my regular site)
Re: Question for CFI\'s

Right now we photocopy the sylabus and flight lesson sheets for students and we make markings on them.
They are a sylabus that jepp put out for their Private Pilot manual. The people who buy the part 61 kit receive the sylabus.

Would this "record folder" do the same as these sylabus / lesson sheets?
Re: Question for CFI\'s

Right now we photocopy the syllabus and flight lesson sheets for students and we make markings on them.
They are a syllabus that jepp put out for their Private Pilot manual. The people who buy the part 61 kit receive the syllabus.

Would this "record folder" do the same as these syllabus / lesson sheets?

[/ QUOTE ]The folder is in a spreadsheet format. aircraft info, time entries and PTS tasks across the top. Dates along the left side. The intended use is to enter each flight, grade each maneuver performed, and have the CFI sign and the student initial each flight. It also is a repository for other records, like the pre-solo written and phase checks.

It's used as the student file for Part 141 purposes because of part 141 formalities. But a lot of CFIs and flight schools like it or something similar for Part 61 purposes as well. There's a lot you can tell from looking at something in a format like this without having to dig through a student logbook or a bunch of individual lesson sheets. A good example is picking up someone else's student. You can tell very easily by looking at one which maneuvers the student does well and which she is having problems with. Did it take 2 sessions or 8 before the student mastered steep turns? Stuff like that.