Question about security/background check for new ATCs


New Member
I applied to become an officer in the US Army twice, once three years ago in college through ROTC and once after college through the OCS route. Both times I was medically disqualified because I honestly admitted to a history >6 months of prescription antidepressant use as a young teenager. At no point was I contracted, nor was I ever considered under active duty.

I have examined my primary medical records from my family doctor and (as expected) found no reference to any depression or related prescription because that was all done through a seperate doctor/facility, so I believe I can reasonable expect to safely omit that from my declarations. However, on question 18s of the 8500-8 medical forum, I'm asked if I had ever been rejected from military service on medical grounds.

Two questions:
1-- At what point in the application process is this background check conducted? Before, during or after CTI schooling?

2-- How extensive is the check? Does anyone here specifically know for sure whether or not it would pick up that I was denied from military service?
1) After CTI, or very close to the end. . . so your money will have been spent already (school wise).

2) This check is very extensive. Your name will go through so many databases you would lose count. Whatever it comes up with though is a different question, it could yes, possibly come up.

Now question for you. . . do you know about

You will find a wealth of information there. Many past, present, and no longer CTI students (moved on to better prospects) still linger across that site and are willing to give information. Not that I mind doing it here, but you'll find a lot more information there.

I would not lie on the 8500-8 form, never. Keep it honest, or risk losing the job and paying the hefty fine that you read about in the disclaimer on the back.
1) After CTI, or very close to the end. . . so your money will have been spent already (school wise).

2) This check is very extensive. Your name will go through so many databases you would lose count. Whatever it comes up with though is a different question, it could yes, possibly come up.

Now question for you. . . do you know about

You will find a wealth of information there. Many past, present, and no longer CTI students (moved on to better prospects) still linger across that site and are willing to give information. Not that I mind doing it here, but you'll find a lot more information there.

I would not lie on the 8500-8 form, never. Keep it honest, or risk losing the job and paying the hefty fine that you read about in the disclaimer on the back.

The background check begins when you begin the pre-employment process... you have completed CTI school, taken AT-SAT, and begin the FAA paperwork process. From what I understand it's pretty extensive, back when I was hired they even dug up an old open container summons I got at a Metallica concert :nana2:

(let the jokes fly fellas...)

My advice when dealing with the Gov't is to be honest, don't hide anything. If you're honest up front, they very well may hire you, I have seen many people hired with marks on their records, but if you lie and get caught you will be terminated and there is nothing you can do about it.
My advice when dealing with the Gov't is to be honest, don't hide anything. If you're honest up front, they very well may hire you, I have seen many people hired with marks on their records, but if you lie and get caught you will be terminated and there is nothing you can do about it.
