Question about Medical Exam for License (AME)


New Member
I have recently decided to make it my goal to get a pilot's license. I am fascinated with flying. However before I get started there is something I am worried about that might come up in my medical exam. I was wondering if there are any AME's or someone who else who can answer some questions for me.

Last year I had some very brief psychological problems that ended up in me spending five days at the hospital in suicide watch. I never had any plans to do anything to hurt myself and I never felt like my actions were out of my control, I was simply overwhelmed with some very bad feelings. I was on a psych medication briefly, and had some issues with depression and anxiety, but after a few months, under direction from my doctor, I stopped taking the medication, and I am back to normal now. I'm actually more happy and free of anxiety than I've ever been in my life, and without any medication. The therapy I received after the incident really helped me greatly, and it's for this reason I realized my interest in flying. For many years I worked a boring job, and didn't really think about what I really wanted to do in life until now.

I am worried that this will be an issue in obtaining my pilot's license. Will this disqualify me, or is it ok since it was temporary and I have returned to my normal self? I have a psychiatrist and therapist who have worked with me and know my story and progress who can back me up medically. Is this completely out of the question for a pilot forever? Is there a minimum number of years I have to wait until I apply? Is it a non-issue? I have read lots of things either way and I'm trying to figure out if I should put the time and money into lessons if I don't have any chance of passing the medical exam portion.

Any information is greatly appreciated. I hope I have a chance to learn to fly.

You should get a medical first. 1st class if you plan to make money doing this. Then look into lessons. Someone might have an AME for you to call about this. No one here can give you an answer as to your eligibility.