"Pull Up!... Pull Up...!"


Well-Known Member
Do the airplanes that have a "pull up" oral warning have some type of automatic shut off if the aircraft's stall warning horn/stick shaker is activated? Let's say that an aircraft was close enough to the ground to have the "PULL UP" warning sound, and the plane was stalling at the same time, thus confusing the flight crew as to which maneuver to perform. Is this a possible scenario? Has it ever been the cause of a past accident?

Not on any aircraft I've flown. The EGPWS will sound until clear of the terrain. The shaker will continue to go off until the "almost stalling" parameters are not longer being met. As far as the actual stall aural warning (warbler in some planes, a voice saying "stall" in others) goes... that would probably supersede the EGPWS audio.
Do the airplanes that have a "pull up" oral warning have some type of automatic shut off if the aircraft's stall warning horn/stick shaker is activated? Let's say that an aircraft was close enough to the ground to have the "PULL UP" warning sound, and the plane was stalling at the same time, thus confusing the flight crew as to which maneuver to perform. Is this a possible scenario? Has it ever been the cause of a past accident?

The proper action would be to put the power in the corner, level the wings, and execute a lift limit pull to establish a positive rate of climb. Once you're safely on the ground and done a proper root cause analysis of your errors, go ahead and punch yourself in the face.

As for when to disregard spurious aural warnings in ludicrous situations, you know when it's absolute ludicrous. That's one of the things you get paid to do. We'll see if our nascent robot overlords are able to distinguish once they take all our jobs in 5-10 years as some claim.
I was on a visual approach in an aircraft equipped with G1000 and synthetic vision landing in northern Canada. While on about a 2 mile straight-in and WELL below the surrounding terrain, the synthetic vision displayed a red mountain right in the flight path. I got ALL kinds of warnings and noises!! I'm thankful that it was VMC and I was looking at the airport at the time; if it had been at night or IMC, it would have been a pretty ugly situation. I've been into that same airport on several occasions and always get the same display....something is amiss...

I've also experience terrain warnings and "PULL UP" warnings while in cruise; you just have to ignore the system sometimes..:)
What's really fun is when you're landing at a "new-ish" airport (4 yrs or so), and the EGPWS doesn't know there's a runway there. And when you take off, at ~30 KIAS, it'll start screaming at you again. Had it not been day/VMC, those power levers would have been the the stops and we would have been climbing like a homesick angel.
What's really fun is when you're landing at a "new-ish" airport (4 yrs or so), and the EGPWS doesn't know there's a runway there. And when you take off, at ~30 KIAS, it'll start screaming at you again. Had it not been day/VMC, those power levers would have been the the stops and we would have been climbing like a homesick angel.
In Africa, some of the major airports and the terrain data don't like each other. The GPWS goes crazy on every take off and landing........WGS84 and GPS do not agree at times!
Another fun event is when your radar altimeter fails in IMC and randomly says ( caution terrain) constantly. That will wake you up
Drinking Molson while cursing Molson engineering. How very meta.
You know how da PT6 came ta be eh? Jacques and Bob were at da bar one night tryin ta draw up a wunna dem newfangled jet engines. Dey came up wit what dey thought was a pretty good idea, but da next morning at Tim's dey realized dey'd made da air come in da back n go out da front eh! "Oh no Jacques, what we gonna do!?" Says Bob. "I know!" Says Jacques. "We'll put a gearbox n a prop on da front n call it a turbo-prop! Den we'll sell it to dem dumb Americans, dey won't know da difference eh?"
And so they did, and so a legend was born.