Possibly Knee Surgery


What day is it?
While flying for a 135 freight company I twisted my knee so I am on workers comp waiting for the knee to be fixed or heal up. I was wondering how much the faa wants to know about this and if I need surgery what does the faa want as far information goes?
Sorry for the delay in answering, Just got back from London last night.

If you need to have surgery, you need to be released by your surgeon and take copies of your medical records with you for the AME to review and if necessary submit to the FAA. I usually just make extensive comments in Block 60 and that is sufficient.
Ok, so I asked you earlier about the medical but there are of course additional things going on. My current medical for commercial purposes expires this month and I won't get the surgery until next month or the month after but I need the new medical to continue flying. First, I have never gotten a first class medical and need to (ATP soon hopefully) tell them about the workers comp and going to the doc. I am wondering what documentation that I need to take with me to tell them. I know that I will need a new medical but for right now I am struggling to figure out whether to get a first class or just stick with the second until after the surgery. thanks.