Possible Career Change


Well-Known Member
Hi gang,

I have always wanted to fly 121 and I am trying to finish up my CFi. I plan on teaching in my club and do some freelance instruction.

I work full time so I will not be able to teach full time.

My club is very inexpensive, under $70 for a 152. I can afford to fly 200 hrs a year and I was thinking if I can not get enough hours to hit 1500, would the regionals look down on buying time?

I will be 40 this year and i want to get to the regionals by 45.

What do you all think?
???? TT is total time...perhaps it comes down to quality time... what you did with those hours..
I don't think regionals will look at that negatively. Have a good explanation of why you did it that way for the interview. Have a good story of how much you learned by flying 150's into short grass strips and 172's in actual IFR practicing your holds.....whatever. Come up with a positive. Also, have a good story why you stuck with your day job. Good luck.