For Sale POH PIM Manuals


Well-Known Member
I'm downsizing my aviation library. These are some POH/PIM and other manuals I've managed to collect over the years. In most cases, they are in 8.5X5.5 loose leaf format - I used to bring even bound volumes into Kinkos to cut the binding a 3-hole punch them.

I'm selling then for $5 each plus the costs of postage which, depending on weight, looks like $6-$9. The date in parentheses is the year of the manual revision.

1981 172P (1980)
DA40-c1 kATANA (1999)
1980 TR182 (1979)
1976 182P (1989)
Turbo Arrow IV (1978)
1980 172RG (1979)
Cherokee Pathfinder (1973)
Piper Comanche Training Manual (undated)
172S (not glass) (1998)
T182T (not glass) (2001)
Cherokee 180G (1973)

Send me a message if you're interested in one or more of them.