Pilots N Paws rescue flight - Cessna 182RG


Well-Known Member
I just got involved with Pilots N Paws. I found out that a dog named Lucky needed to be transported from a high-kill shelter in Tecate, MX to San Francisco/Sacramento area. She was adopted by a family in only 18 hours! Here's our Cessna 182RG flight from MYF (Montgomery Field, San Diego) to MHR (Mather Airport, Sacramento).

Lucky is a happy dog:


She slept the entire flight. She's so quiet!

Enroute, listening to some 80s tunes piped into the intercom:

Cheese plate enroute:

My brother always brings wine whenever he's with me on a cross-country. As soon as we landed I had a sip:

Somewhere over the Los Angeles mountains:

Yup, she's still asleep. What a good dog!

Got a lower altitude to get out of the headwinds with a bit faster groundspeed:

Here she is just before her adoptive family came to pick her up:
Bottom of the descent? I'm calling BS on the IAS/Aspen's TAS figure unless the wings had already fallen off :)

BTW nice looking pup.
182RG...easily my fav single engine plane I've flown. Have about 500hrs in the one we had at my flight school, we updated ours with the same style paint job as yours (just red, not blue). Great looking plane and one kickity assity pup!
Bottom of the descent? I'm calling BS on the IAS/Aspen's TAS figure unless the wings had already fallen off :)

BTW nice looking pup.
Yup. Bottom of descent. Unfortunately we had headwinds both ways and we flew essentially the same route back (different days).
Spent half of the day at our state's SPCA shelter doing volunteer work. Our dogs usually come up here from the deep south to NH via a Sprinter van. I can't imagine what that drive must be like for both the critters and the humans lol...

My hat's off to you Pilots N Paws guys, it's such a noble, rewarding cause... and if you do it right it's an awesome adventure you'll never forget. Wine and cheese? Win.

@JaceTheAce Hopefully Lucky's new parents got copies of those photos as I'm sure they'd treasure them for years to come.
Actually, compared to some of the alternatives, it's pretty reasonable.

Maybe if you are rich! You could buy a nice C-152 for the price of an Aspen! Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love one in my plane, but the price just can't be rationalized when I have a perfectly working 6-pack!
Maybe if you are rich! You could buy a nice C-152 for the price of an Aspen! Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love one in my plane, but the price just can't be rationalized when I have a perfectly working 6-pack!

Hence why I said "compared to the alternatives." :) Some of the new systems are pushing six figures. Aspen is much more reasonably priced. But yet, still expensive as hell.