Pilot Retirement Age


New Member
So what is the story with the retirement age? Is it still 60, or did that new rule get passed allowing pilots to fly to the age of 66 meaning people like myself may have to wait an extra 6 years to be make it into a major? What is happening?

BTW...... sorry I haven't been around lately guys! I've had a few computer issues (problems)
. I'm now back! Back for good!
They should change it to 50 and make more room for the new guys!
Just kidding, don't flame me!

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If I can get a full retirement package at 50, they wouldn't need to ask twice!

I'd take me retirement and go instruct at Scottsdale Airpark!
Age discrimination. Shameful.

I think you should have to retire when you can't get a 1st class Medical. And they are getting tougher and tougher every year. I get the EKG now.
If only they were as tough on seniors driving.

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No doubt!

I think walking around Beirut is safer than walking on the street nearby "Luby's" here in Scottsdale!

Especially on two-for-one Liver 'n Onions night!
Doug remember to stay away from Piccadilly during the Early Bird Special times

Blue hair for miles!

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I can only imagine!

When I lived in Altamonte Springs, FL, we had neurotic New Yorkers and geriatric blue hairs so driving down to Publix was scary.
Hi, Doug:

When did you live in Altamonte Springs, FL? My husband Troy was there while he attended ATA. (So, not for very long!)

By the way, thanks for this great site. I wish I would've found it sooner.

Thanks for the thanks!

I lived in Altamonte Springs between 1998 and 2000, right off of Jamestown Blvd.
My husband lived right off of I-4 and 436 (if I remember correctly) from January until mid-March of this year.

He lived right near a beautiful park that didn't allow dogs (and he has our rottie Jager with him down there). He's in Vero Beach now, and same thing -- parks (and the beach) don't allow dogs. Oh, wait, you can take your dog to one park from like 6-8 in the morning (too early for me when I'm there but my body is still on Mountain time!). In Colorado, dogs are allowed just about anywhere (on leash, of course). I don't understand the Florida thing about dogs, particularly since most of the blue hairs I see have 'em.

Well I am not a lover of dogs, as too many times I have had to clean up dog poopies from my yard, or I put out a blanket at a park and when I leave, find poopies smeared into it. I guess I actually shouldn't say I am not a lover of dogs, rather dog owners that don't pick up the dog poopies! We have to find new homes for our cats if we do go to FL since the same rule applies. Wow this got quite far off the topic of retirement age! LOL.
I thought I knew you TheWife. I think Troy was in my CRJ Systems class. I taught CRJ Ground and SIM at ATA.

Doug, if you think Altamonte Springs is bad, try Venice

The City Color is Senior Hair Blue.
Michelle -- I'm not a fan of dog owners who don't pick up their dog poopies either. Yuck.
Why can't you take your cats with you to FL? I'll bet you can find a place that will allow them. Heck, if we can find a rental that allows not just a dog but a rottie, I'll bet you can find a place that'll take cats.

John -- not sure if my Troy is guy you're thinking of. He was only at ATA for 3 weeks before they shut down.
Were you there at the end? What have you been doing since leaving ATA?

I thought I knew you TheWife

[/ QUOTE ] Hey don't be getting your wives confused here Mr.! LOL

Kathleen we can take them if we want them to be indoor only, and they are ondoor outdoor. We have a fenced yard where they spend most of the day playing, helps them get their hair off and stuff, I don't want them to be indoor only. They'd drive me crazy.
I think walking around Beirut is safer than walking on the street nearby "Luby's" here in Scottsdale!

Especially on two-for-one Liver 'n Onions night!

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Well, I guess that's the good part of the gas shortage that they're talking about in your neck of the woods. Those seniors drive gas guzzling Cadillacs and Lincolns!