Pilot Presentation


Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone,
So I have to do a 30 minute presentation in one of my human resources classes and I have decided to present on how to become a pilot.

I am going to do from private pilots license up to commercial license.
Below is what I am thinking of presenting if you could just add what else you think I should include.

Preflight check
Basic flight rules
ATC communication

what else should I include?

For "How to become a pilot" I'd start more basically.

Start with the medical, talk about FBOs vs. "Academy" schools vs. Military. Talk about 61 vs 141 "schools". Then go into different jobs. Basically chapter 1 of the Jeppesen Private Pilot Book.

I agree with mini. Talk about the human resource aspect of flying. If you still want to talk about flying stuff, talk about crew resource management.
If you are presenting about how to become a pilot, include none of this:

Preflight check
Basic flight rules
ATC communication

Include the process (steps, milestones, etc), costs involved, what you learn, how you learn it, how long it can take, the type of schools, different experiences one can take part in, career opportunities, etc. If you want to include the items mentioned above, include them briefly under "what you learn."

My $.02 :)
yeah I agree with career opportunities, military, cargo, airlines, corporate, etc. Many people are not aware of flying outside of airlines and military
Dude super simple...

For my Senior project I had to do a 45 minute presentation of anything. All I did was film myself flying and doing a few maneuvers, including flying over my high school (my teacher went ballistic). I got an A+ without even breaking a sweat. Then again, high school is easy as cheese anyways. Good luck

EDIT:Even though there was a 45 minute requirement, my film lasted 30 minutes and at the end of it I had some food for everyone and the whole class was like butter in my hands lol.
Maybe throw in something about the decision making we deal with on a day to day basis as well as the potentional emergency situation and how we are trained to deal with it. Might help ease some of the negative feelings about flying. Otherwise I agree with what the other guys said above.
Dude super simple...

For my Senior project I had to do a 45 minute presentation of anything. All I did was film myself flying and doing a few maneuvers, including flying over my high school (my teacher went ballistic). I got an A+ without even breaking a sweat. Then again, high school is easy as cheese anyways. Good luck.
Sounds like it went much better than my finals senior year. Apparently reciting a speech from Hamlet to the sounds of 70s porn music wearing a velvet robe walking around the class with wine glasses pouring people sparkling cider all with a Ron Jeremy like swagger is grounds for failure. The Hamlet speech was supposed to be creative with props and music, but all creativity got me was not passing English and almost not walking on stage because of it. Easy as cheese for you normal people maybe.
I agree with what others here have said. Don't "teach" maneuvers. Presenting and teaching are two different things. Without the application and feedback phases of training, they won't get much out of you teaching maneuvers.

If you're focusing on flying, I think you should discuss a cross-section of flying careers. Airline, corporate, cargo, charter. Then discuss the methods to train towards that goal. 61/141/military. Talk about the milestones along the way. Private, instrument, commercial, multi, CFI, CFII, MEI, ATP and the qualifications for each. Then discuss the career milestones that must be achieved before reaching that 'goal' job -- such as flight instructing until you have ___ TT, flying freight to build multi-time, going to a commuter to build turbine time and crew experience, upgrading to build turbine PIC... etc.

good luck! Have somebody videotape it, post it to YouTube, and then post it here. :)
c172captain;1137634]Then again, high school is easy as cheese anyways

So easy that I skipped so many classes my senior year and still graduated with honors:D

Edit, stupid quote didn't work
Set a $100 bill on fire and walk out of the room......

Arrange the desks in to two single file lines. The students can only speak to the person next to them. Tell them they're at LGA and there's a ground stop. You can't go to the bathroom or even get out of your desk, btw. Occasionally have someone come by and tell they're a-holes. Wait two hours, then lest the first two go home. Wait another five minutes and let the next two go. Wash, rinse, repeat. Oh, don't forget to confiscate anything worth more than $20 they own. Realism.
thanks for the help everyone.
I am presenting wensday and have decided to go with the basics of flight. The class is training and development so I am going to train the class just on the basics.
Pre flight
Run up
take off
atc communications.
and cost

thanks for the help
