Pilot in training Understanding the Jargon


New Member
I first and foremost wish to thank all ATC's for your vigilance, competence and contributions to a pilot's safety and guidance. I am a new aspiring wannabe pilot, very soon I will be entering flight triaining. I have had the opportunity to hear the "Jargon", of aviation. I am pretty fluent in aviator language; however I have a hard time understanding the transmission, I have to hear it a few good times to catch what was said. Are there any advice, to improving my ability to receive transmissions during ATC communications? I hope this question isn't stupid b/c ultimately I suppose it can be a hearing problem.

It will come with experience and practice. When you first enter the ATC enviroment, as a student pilot, you will be so busy trying to fly the plane that you won't or rarely will get any of it anyway. It will get easier as you are exposed to it more a more.
I first and foremost wish to thank all ATC's for your vigilance, competence and contributions to a pilot's safety and guidance. I am a new aspiring wannabe pilot, very soon I will be entering flight triaining. I have had the opportunity to hear the "Jargon", of aviation. I am pretty fluent in aviator language; however I have a hard time understanding the transmission, I have to hear it a few good times to catch what was said. Are there any advice, to improving my ability to receive transmissions during ATC communications? I hope this question isn't stupid b/c ultimately I suppose it can be a hearing problem.


You can find websites online and listen to live or recorded ATC feeds. That might help you a bit.
I first and foremost wish to thank all ATC's for your vigilance, competence and contributions to a pilot's safety and guidance. I am a new aspiring wannabe pilot, very soon I will be entering flight triaining. I have had the opportunity to hear the "Jargon", of aviation. I am pretty fluent in aviator language; however I have a hard time understanding the transmission, I have to hear it a few good times to catch what was said. Are there any advice, to improving my ability to receive transmissions during ATC communications? I hope this question isn't stupid b/c ultimately I suppose it can be a hearing problem.


hey anthony i see your in georgia, what airport are you flying out of I'm at PDK
In my early days of flight training, I used the software Comm 1 to assist w/ learning how to talk on the radio. It is a wonderful resource.


I'd try to find it on Ebay before you buy it retail. However, I do recommend it's use. The software, used in conjuction w/ listening to the live streaming ATC online should help you learn the communication process.