Pilot/Aerial Photograph 88R Spicewood TX


New Member
Photo missions take place in Austin, San Antonio, Houston south to Brownsville and east to Louisiana. You must have a min. of 450 hours, 25 in Cessna 172 aircraft and must have time in Class B airspace. CFI helpful but not necessary. The flights are mostly 2x a month around the 1st & 20th of each month approximately 80-100 total hours per month. Each flight lasts approx. 4-5 days with some overnights. All expenses paid. Compensation: Salary or hours flown to be negotiated.
I assume you need someone immediately? I'm about a 2-3 weeks away from 450hrs. I have almost 100 hrs in a 172 and over 200 in a bonanza. Something part time like this would be awesome for me.
Photo missions take place in Austin, San Antonio, Houston south to Brownsville and east to Louisiana. You must have a min. of 450 hours, 25 in Cessna 172 aircraft and must have time in Class B airspace. CFI helpful but not necessary. The flights are mostly 2x a month around the 1st & 20th of each month approximately 80-100 total hours per month. Each flight lasts approx. 4-5 days with some overnights. All expenses paid. Compensation: Salary or hours flown to be negotiated.

I have about 500 hrs. in a C-172B. I'm based in Austin, TX. Sent my resume to the email you posted. Thanks for posting to the forum!