Part Time


Well-Known Member

I am thinking of applying to the local FBO for a job, but it will only be for the summer while I am home from college. Do you think that they would hire me for some part time work, or would they just be looking for a full time guy. If I were to get hired, I would be willing to work on my breaks from school. Just looking for your opinion wether or not I will have a chance, because I know some places don't like part time guys. I am going to apply no matter what; what can be the worst that happens?:D

haha well yea, but I was just looking for an opinion by someone who actually has experience working, wether or not it is possible or just a crazy idea. kinda a pointless thread I guess, just looking for people's opinions.
From what I experienced/seen/heard most places want you working full time. This might have something to do with insurance. For example if you're part time and you back the Jet A truck over the Flight School's light sport, the FBO's insurance may not cover the damages do to your work status. Or something like that.
I guess it depends on the place. I work at an FBO part time, as does pretty much everyone else. There's a few other people that are working there part time and going to school.
alright guys thanks for the input. I would like to have some extra money this summer and I really really don't want to work retail again!!