I am a private instrument pilot with 123.0 hours, 68.8 PIC, and 101.3 flight instruction. I have started a part 141 commercial training program. I have done a couple cross countries of 100nm or more and got the 10 hours of complex. My instructor has told me that he now thinks it would be better to do my comm. training part 61. It would require 60 more hours of total time, but he said it would be more cost effective because of the cross country requirements and dual received training under part 141 since there is a 120 hour dual requirement. Is it true that this means 120 hours of total dual time, or just 120 hours in the commercial training program. that seems like a pretty ridiculous requirement. I have asked a couple of other CFI's and have heard differing opinions on what i should do. What do you guys think? thanks for any advice!