Part 135 gigs


Well-Known Member

I've got a buddy (not the Caravan guy) who has 135 minimums but can't seem to find any part 135's that are hiring. Normally I'd just help him out and look with him but as it turns out he's thinking of possibly leaving aviation altogether due to the hard times (I know, he's not the only one who's considering this). Anyways, can anyone help me out with some Part 135s that they know are hiring? So far all I can of is Ameriflight and Cape Air (possibly?).

Thanks guys
Flight Express out of ORL does a lot of hiring with 135 mins. I saw an ad for GTA out of ADS not too long ago. They also hire 135 min guys. Not companies I would make a career out of, but they are good for time building.

Edit: I see you are in So Cal. I believe these guys may be looking for some pilots.