Pan Am peeps at Deer Valley


New Member
I am starting my training at Deer Valley on August 27th. As a new student, starting his second and last career, I am hoping to get some advice that might help me get off to a running start! Is there anything that I can do in the next couple of weeks that might be beneficial to my training? I have heard that the first few weeks can be VERY challenging, so if there is anything that I can do to lessen the learning curve, it would be very helpful!

By the way, can anyone give me a little insight into how the instructors are paired up with the new students? I am sure all the instructors are good, but how can I make sure I get a top-notch instructor??? Just curious...

Lastly... If you don't have anything positive or constructive to say about Pan Am, then please don't reply to this post. I have made my decision, and plan on making the best of my time at Pan Am.

Many thanks for your time and advice!
Lastly... If you don't have anything positive or constructive to say about Pan Am, then please don't reply to this post. I have made my decision, and plan on making the best of my time at Pan Am.

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I have nothing positive or constructive to say about PanAm.................since I really know nothing about their program

Kidding aside. There's a number of good info sources of current PanAm IPs here that you can squeeze like a sponge for helping make the best of your training there. Good luck.

If you want to get a head start, pick up Jeppesen's Private Pilot Manual. It's a big, thick tan textbook and you can find it at any pilot shop or online. You'll have to buy it anyway, so you may as well buy it now and start reading it. It'll give you a good background on aerodynamics and airspace and maneuvers and the other important and basic aspects of flying.

And shop around for some headsets. Try out some at pilot shops and see how well each model fits your particular head and shop online to see who has the best prices. I'd recommend ANR (or ENC as David Clark calls it), I wish I would have bought ANR in the first place, now I'm looking for money to upgrade.

Students are assigned to instructors based on what instructors have the fewest number of students. All the instructors here are top-notch and we all teach the same syllabus to the same standards. But, we all have different personalities and there's many ways to explain how to do each maneuver.

It's important to have a good relationship with your instructor. If you think your instructor is too laid-back or too much of a harda$$ or your personalities totally clash, try to work it out with him/her. If you two can't get things worked out, the assistant chiefs will assign you to a different instructor.

Best of luck to ya and we'll be looking forward to seeing you here in a couple weeks!

Do you have an apartment yet? We can give you the plusses/minuses of many of the complexes in the area.
Thanks for the tip! I was actually hoping that the powers that be would give me some sort of a list of stuff I would need to get inorder to get started. As an ebay addict, it would be nice to be able to save a little cash by shopping around rather than buying through the schools pilot shop, if I didn't have to!! Any other "stuff" I should be shopping around for???

The spousal unit and I moved down here a week ago. We are over at the Retreat on N. 27th. Got a decent place right by the pool, so that is nice.

I am certainly looking forward to getting started. I feel like I am in kindergarten again!! :-)
You are right, the first couple of weeks at Pan Am are crazy. Everyone is throwing info at you all at the same time. The best thing I would recommend to you is learning the flows and checklist's of the Archer as soon as possible. This will allow you to concentrate on your groundschool and flying.
You are right, the first couple of weeks at Pan Am are crazy. Everyone is throwing info at you all at the same time. The best thing I would recommend to you is learning the flows and checklist's of the Archer as soon as possible. This will allow you to concentrate on your groundschool and flying.

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Thanks for the Tip Hoosier!! I will add your tip the already overwhelming list of stuff I gotta know!! :-)

Anyone else have any thoughts on how to prepare for this intense training? I would love to hear em'... <font color="green"> </font> <font color="green"> </font>
study study study. chair fly, get a poster of the aircrafts instrument panel to familiarize yourself with flows, etc...