Fetus Worshiper
OK guys, I have decided on Pan Am! /ubbthreads/images/icons/grin.gif Am I nuts? /ubbthreads/images/icons/tongue.gif With all of the arguing going on I should have run away. But I think for myself, and I feel Pan Am and I will be a good fit. I just sent in my application, so the ball is rolling. Next is to get approved for the loan. I intend to start on the August 27th start date.
For you guys still on the fence, I am going to keep this thread going with regular updates. So if I made the right choice, or screwed up royally, I will share it with you.
Now all I have to do is quit my job, sell my car, find a place to live, move all my stuff, and JUST DO IT!
The Flying Turkey
For you guys still on the fence, I am going to keep this thread going with regular updates. So if I made the right choice, or screwed up royally, I will share it with you.
Now all I have to do is quit my job, sell my car, find a place to live, move all my stuff, and JUST DO IT!
The Flying Turkey