NTSB issues urgent safety alert on Boeing 737 NG, Max planes

Man Boeing can't seem to get things going in the right direction. Does this mean the FAA may ground these planes?
Didn't Collins manufacture all of the rudder actuators for the 737 back in the '80-'90s when a couple were lost due to an uncommanded hard rudder rollover and they finally figured it out after one was able to miraculously land after recovering from a very similar incident? Actually I know they did, my dads aunt was an editor at the Seattle Times and I recall visiting her up in the beautiful Pacific NW and once she found out I was not only an A/P but a pilot as well it was all she wanted to talk about. I loved her dearly but at that point I was like "Back off you crazy old lady, you know more about a 737 than I do!". I guess live and learn isn't posted anywhere on the walls in the hangars or corporate HQ for Boeing or Collins.