Non-VRA vets??


New Member
Just for a show of hands - how many Non-VRA vets do we have out here? Wondering what odds for getting in are for anyone with 5, 10, or 15 point preference but no prior experience. I haven't yet finished any 4 year degree but have the progressively responsible work experience they outlined in the requirements for the job, alongside some flight training and airport work experience applicable to radio communications and general operations.

Think they'll like me?:panic:
I got in and I'm a non-VRA vet. I didn't have an aviation background, but I do have a masters degree and the requisite progressive work experience.
I am a non-VRA vet and am 3/4 through a bachelors degree and I got selected.... I have aviation experience though(not ATC).
I got selected for an Up/Down facility with Aircrew aviation experience in the USAF. Lot's of progressive work exp and only an AA degree.
sweet - well either way if I don't get selected now I'll see you guys in a year+ as I'm lining up a transfer to a CTI school - Then we'll see if I get selected... disabled vet, work exp and CTI training + private rating.. should be applicable by that point lets hope to god.

rah - 7300.