New A&E show "Airline"


New Member
New A&E show \"Airline\"

Just came across this new show on A&E starting Jan 5th. It follows Southwest through daily operatioins. Although I don't think I can stomach yet another reality show, I think I am going to watch this one.

Check it out ----------->
Re: New A&E show \"Airline\"

They picked the right cattle transportation company for it!!!

This I got to see!!
Re: New A&E show \"Airline\"

They picked the right cattle transportation company for it!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

The only profitable cattle transportation company, that is.....
Re: New A&E show \"Airline\"

lol...I can't wait to see it....

And you guys are going to quit making fun of may resume when they stop making money, they stop causing other majors to create airlines just to compete with them and when they stop adding cities that they service!!!!
Re: New A&E show \"Airline\"

Man, that trailer was funny...but sad because it's true. I felt guilty laughing at that chick who was berating the old lady because she stole her wheelchair.

Too bad I don't have TV, or I'd watch it.
Re: New A&E show \"Airline\"

If anything (or the one thing, depending on your point of view) this show will demonstrate just how low the "lowest common denominator" really is when it comes to dealing with the public, specifically in the travel business. People suck monkey b@lls.

I've always said there are two times you do not want to deal with people: 1) when they are hungry. 2) when they are traveling.
Re: New A&E show \"Airline\"

Speaking of doofus people...

We had a talk show host use his airtime to complain about how America West refused to refund his non-refundable ticket.

"They said I could use the credit to rebook another America West flight or reschedule my trip but would not give my money back! (on a non-refundable ticket) This would never happen on Southwest!"

Ah ah ahh, mon frere, if you buy one of those $49 super saver non-refundable fares, ya ain't getting your money back there either!
Re: New A&E show \"Airline\"

Maybe they could show the hiring manager shreding stacks of pilot resumes. Now that's reality T.V!
Re: New A&E show \"Airline\"

I did a stint with a company that did phone service for (We were a contract call center, essentially) OMFG! People simply do not read/understand/get that a non-refundable ticket is not •ing refundable!

Nor do they understand tickets are non-transferable meaning if you mispell your name you just bought a ticket for someone who doesn't exist! Which means if the gate/ticket agent is playing strictly by the rules you, as the idiot who mispelled/used the wrong name, are SOL!

The depths of stupididty in this country can never be underestimated!