Im trying to use my free time over the holidays to study for my Transport Canada Private Pilot written exam (like the FAA exam for those in the states)...
Any advice on studying for it? Seems like theres a lot of information in (From the ground up).....Ive tried reading the entire book, but i think im probably picking up wayyy more then i actually need.
The test is divided into 4 sections
Aviation Law
Aircraft Ops & General Knowledge
each section has 25 questions......which i guess is the exact same as the FAA test, though I'm not too sure....
Any tips would be helpful.....Thanks
Any advice on studying for it? Seems like theres a lot of information in (From the ground up).....Ive tried reading the entire book, but i think im probably picking up wayyy more then i actually need.
The test is divided into 4 sections
Aviation Law
Aircraft Ops & General Knowledge
each section has 25 questions......which i guess is the exact same as the FAA test, though I'm not too sure....
Any tips would be helpful.....Thanks