Multi-Engine Time Building Kansas

Is there anyone looking to build some Multi time in Kansas? I need 9 hours to satisfy a requirement for a job i'm wanting. Let me know by IM or respond to this thread.

Thanks Christopher Rogers
Is there anyone looking to build some Multi time in Kansas? I need 9 hours to satisfy a requirement for a job i'm wanting. Let me know by IM or respond to this thread.

Thanks Christopher Rogers
I can rent a Duchess at just under $200/hr at KOJC. When would you be planning on starting?
Well I would love to rent it out, I actually have heard of your plane and I have thought about it. Only problem is that im in Salina so the commute is not easy. If I could get your information then I will contact you for a time to rent if for like 3-5 hours or so.
Is there anyone looking to build some Multi time in Kansas? I need 9 hours to satisfy a requirement for a job i'm wanting. Let me know by IM or respond to this thread.

Thanks Christopher Rogers

You could try Herb at Prairie Air Service down in Benton. If he has a time builder he could pair you up, safety pilot or fly under the hood. pretty cheap time.

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