I spoke to a Marine officer recruiter at a career fair recently and the opportunities seem pretty interesting. From what he told me, the military has many flight slots open which I found to be amazing in light of the current economic situation especially in aviation. He seemed to be a bit more optimistic than me about the chances to get a fixed wing jet slot. I have a few questions which I think can be best answered by the JetCareers crew.
1. If I should get selected to fly rotary wing, will that help in perhaps 20 years if I want to fly for an airline or do you basically have to train from scratch again?
2. In the Marines, you go to OCS and then get offered a commission (or not) then go to "The Basic School". The recruiter told me that if you go on an aviation option, you are guaranteed a slot at flight school. If for some reason if one is not offered an aircraft out of flight school, is there still a 10 year committment as another type of officer (not the worst thing in the world) or is it less?
3. For anyone who has been to OCS, they say that the failure rate is 50%, what are the reasons why people fail out?
As for information on me, I will be 21 in November, I am graduating in June with a BS in Telecommunications Management/Computer Science with a 3.75 GPA. My SAT Scores were 1330. I also took the ASVAB in HS but I don't know how to convert the scores to see how I did as far as GT (General Technical) on my results which mostly just showed percentiles, I know I will have to take them again, but I was wondering if there was an easy way to convert to GT.
Thanks in advance,
1. If I should get selected to fly rotary wing, will that help in perhaps 20 years if I want to fly for an airline or do you basically have to train from scratch again?
2. In the Marines, you go to OCS and then get offered a commission (or not) then go to "The Basic School". The recruiter told me that if you go on an aviation option, you are guaranteed a slot at flight school. If for some reason if one is not offered an aircraft out of flight school, is there still a 10 year committment as another type of officer (not the worst thing in the world) or is it less?
3. For anyone who has been to OCS, they say that the failure rate is 50%, what are the reasons why people fail out?
As for information on me, I will be 21 in November, I am graduating in June with a BS in Telecommunications Management/Computer Science with a 3.75 GPA. My SAT Scores were 1330. I also took the ASVAB in HS but I don't know how to convert the scores to see how I did as far as GT (General Technical) on my results which mostly just showed percentiles, I know I will have to take them again, but I was wondering if there was an easy way to convert to GT.
Thanks in advance,