Mesa interview process?


Well-Known Member
I don't see much about Mesa on here,and Im curious about their interview process.I got a email last week that I have a phone interview this week,and they are hiring a class for the end of april.Any things I should prepare for?The interview will be with a Dispatch manager not just the basic HR people.So I am anticipating dispatch questions to be asked.
When I did an interview with Mesa it was just mostly simple HR questions. Nothing about DX. They randomly called me a week and a half before class and offered me a job (I declined). Those basics ^ are what you normally need for a regional interview so make sure you know them, who knows maybe they will switch up the interview and ask a few ;)
I am guessing you talked to them by now....I left there recently...if you hve any questions you can PM me. Unless you were drunk or high during the phone call, they could just offer you the job without a face to face visit.
I had a blast working there. Some really cool "lifers" make the day less painful. Cost of living in PHX is not bad so you can live a little. The SOC is nice and just across the street from Skyharbor so you can park in the office garage and walk to the airport shuttle.
Didn't want to make a new thread but I got an offer today. They're hoping for a class size of 7. Training starts on 9/30.
This is the dispatch side of the forum. Bonus isn't in our vocabulary.

Many moons ago Mesa did offer a signing bonus for dispatchers with United Express experience. Only one hired qualified and never collected as they hadn't come from Skywest, which Mesa was targeting with the bonus for taking there pilots.

To give you some idea of how long ago this was it was before United got married to a Texas gal.