Mesa Cadet Program


Well-Known Member
Trying to help a friend (who is not on the forum) that is interested in the Mesa Cadet Program. Anyone have pros and cons on this program and the Sierra flight school that the Cadets teach at in CA?
Trying to help a friend (who is not on the forum) that is interested in the Mesa Cadet Program. Anyone have pros and cons on this program and the Sierra flight school that the Cadets teach at in CA?

The Good:

From my understanding it is similar to Envoy's pipeline instructor program.

Your CFI ratings are paid for (sierra may be doing this already).

You teach at Sierra and earn the same as all the other CFIs, but your paychecks say Mesa on them.

When you reach R-ATP mins, you report to new hire class.

The Bad:

I don't know if Mesa insurance is included (Envoy does for theirs)

Mesa's pay scale is far behind everyone else's, almost 20K less than most of the larger regionals (Envoy, Skywest, Republic, ect)

Moving from CFI to jet FO will actually be a significant pay cut.

The Ugly:

The "quick upgrade" train has stopped due to a lack of new hires to replace FOs who are moving to the left seat.

In the near future, upgrades will only be a trickle, and at the same time, most of the other regional's upgrade time is coming down.
The Good:

From my understanding it is similar to Envoy's pipeline instructor program.

Your CFI ratings are paid for (sierra may be doing this already).

You teach at Sierra and earn the same as all the other CFIs, but your paychecks say Mesa on them.

When you reach R-ATP mins, you report to new hire class.

The Bad:

I don't know if Mesa insurance is included (Envoy does for theirs)

Mesa's pay scale is far behind everyone else's, almost 20K less than most of the larger regionals (Envoy, Skywest, Republic, ect)

Moving from CFI to jet FO will actually be a significant pay cut.

The Ugly:

The "quick upgrade" train has stopped due to a lack of new hires to replace FOs who are moving to the left seat.

In the near future, upgrades will only be a trickle, and at the same time, most of the other regional's upgrade time is coming down.

Thanks for this info! I will relay this info!
also as USMC mentioned....and I can confirm...ALL of the regionals have some sort of program/incentive/bonus/reimbursement program going on.
They are all in need of pilots. And he is also spot on wrt the upgrade sitch. Its the same all over.

So tell your friend to shop around...the regionals. If he/she is willing to move (duh!) then there are many options. The best way is to call the regional airline's recruiters. Some have training deals worked out with multiple flight schools all over the country. And some offer significantly better deals...than others.

As for Sierra Academy....Hmmm, lots of good wx. That's all Ill say about them. Lots and lots of horror stories on this forum. Search it out.
also as USMC mentioned....and I can confirm...ALL of the regionals have some sort of program/incentive/bonus/reimbursement program going on.
They are all in need of pilots. And he is also spot on wrt the upgrade sitch. Its the same all over.

So tell your friend to shop around...the regionals. If he/she is willing to move (duh!) then there are many options. The best way is to call the regional airline's recruiters. Some have training deals worked out with multiple flight schools all over the country. And some offer significantly better deals...than others.

As for Sierra Academy....Hmmm, lots of good wx. That's all Ill say about them. Lots and lots of horror stories on this forum. Search it out.
Thanks! I will do a little searching on the forum and ask a few questions!
Hey Flyn chick, i can give you more speifics if you like (re Flight schools and programs,not about Sierra). just PM me.