Meigs Field !?!

I think that this is a sad day in aviation. One of this nations most scenic and most well known airports has been closed. I don't know all of the politics regarding the Meigs field closure, but I do know that it is a shame that it had to come to this. This definetly isn't the first or the last time politics ruins a good thing. It has been a long time dream (ever since I bought my first MS flight sim) to fly into meigs field. Unfortunatly I won't get that chance.
Well, when I wrote "funny" I believe I also included "tragic" as well...didnt mean to stir a hornets nest up or something...come on, being that we're in quite a lull in the industry if we dont have a laugh at least once in a while then what do we have? Lighten up! Hopefully the city will get sued 100x for what the mayor did...
Why are you are posting this in the FlightSafety forum? Its a free country and all, but this site does have a Squawk Box forum where this post would/has fit in for discussion.