Medical History Form


Well-Known Member
I'm going through the process of becoming an ATC and while at the PEPC I was given a form to have completed regarding the fact I previously had a bout of depression. The form says it should be completed with information from the attending physician's records at the time. The problem is that the doctor who prescribed the meds (4 years ago) has since left his private practice, and as far as I can tell, has taken all his records with him. I had my councilor from the time fill it out, but I feel it is hardly what they're looking for. I faxed over that form and left a few messages asking if it was acceptable / what I should do, but have received no information back. What is the best direction I can take with this issue? Thanks for your help.
The doctor can be found by contacting the state medical board. He will either have the old records or have entrusted them to someone who is now the custodian of the records and can provide you with a copy.