Looking for 2 cents...considering aviation after military


New Member
I have about 2 years left in the Navy. Im on shore duty right now as an instructor. By the time I get out ill have 8 years in total. Im researching jobs for when I get out. I know the basics of how to get your ratings and then doing CFI and working for a low wage at a regional. Ill be 29 years old, 8 year military electronics maintenance experience(specifically ATC radars if it matters), BA in Sociology, and an AAS in Electronics. No wife or kids.

1. Would people have more positive experiences if flight school was paid for? Sounds like people are broke/bitter because of the flight loans and low pay for the first few years. Reason I ask is because I plan on going to an aviation school that accepts the GI bill. If I dont go to flight school I will use the GI bill to obtain a masters degree.

2. What kind of flying allows you to come home everyday? I really only understand the airliners and ive read you spend many days away from home. I have done 2 deployments and numerous out to sea trainings and dont want that kind of lifestyle which is why im considering getting out of the Navy.

3. Can do you CFI part time on the side? Another option im considering is getting a non-aviation job and being a CFI so I dont have to keep paying to fly. Is this realistic or are all the students looking for full-time CFI?

4. After about 5 years in the industry how much should you expect to be making and in what "fields"(airliners, charter, etc.? Or is the question more can I even find a flying job? I hear 2 different sides of how people cant find work flying and then other of getting hired onto a regional or something simliar after only a few years. My realistic goal would be to captain an RJ or something similiar but perhaps its because I dont know anything about any other type of flying that pays as well.

So those are my options. Go balls deep and plunge into aviation or get a non-aviation job and do CFI on the side. I really always had a love for aviation but the economic side of it is what I fear.
Re: Looking for 2 cents...considering aviation after militar

I don't have too much experience in aviation, so I'm sure others can elaborate on my answers...

1. Would people have more positive experiences if flight school was paid for? Sounds like people are broke/bitter because of the flight loans and low pay for the first few years. Reason I ask is because I plan on going to an aviation school that accepts the GI bill. If I dont go to flight school I will use the GI bill to obtain a masters degree.

I think so...saving a ton of money never hurts.

2. What kind of flying allows you to come home everyday? I really only understand the airliners and ive read you spend many days away from home. I have done 2 deployments and numerous out to sea trainings and dont want that kind of lifestyle which is why im considering getting out of the Navy.

CFI, skydive pilot, pipeline, banner tow, being so high on the seniority list at an airline that you can bid day trips, and I'm sure there are others...None of them really bring in the $ except for the airline job. (Not that you'll get rich anywhere in aviation....)

3. Can do you CFI part time on the side? Another option im considering is getting a non-aviation job and being a CFI so I dont have to keep paying to fly. Is this realistic or are all the students looking for full-time CFI?

I'm not sure how common it is, but there are part time CFI's.

Also, you could try to get pilot slot with a guard unit somewhere...
Re: Looking for 2 cents...considering aviation after militar

My eyes arent good enough for the military aviation and like I said not really trying to do anymore deployments. I am leaning more towards getting my masters degree, working a non-flying job, and getting my CFI and using that to fly, build time, and recoup some money in my off-time. Anyone who has gone this route id be interested in some more opinions. As far as career in aviation flying im not looking to get rich but after paying my dues (few years of flying) Id like to earn at least $50,000 or more on a consistent basis. If thats not possible then ill play it safe and just try to do CFI on the side.
Re: Looking for 2 cents...considering aviation after militar

When I left the Navy (mid-90's), I wanted to fly. I was 28, had my GI Bill and a full ride to any Illinois State School (Illinois Veterans Grant). I was an AMS (AM now I guess since they merged it), so I went and got my sign off from the FAA and took my Airframe and General Test. That knocked out 45 Credit hours, and another 12 for military stuff (health and PE type credits as I remember). Went to SIU Carbondale as a Dual Major, Flight and Maintenance. Quickly saw what folks ahead of me were getting hired at and knew I couldn't last at that low of a wage.

I dropped my Flight major after Commercial Time Building (3rd class we had in flight) and picked up the BS in Aviation Management (yeah I know, everyone hates that Degree). I Co-Op'd with McDonnell-Douglas while in school, Graduated with my BS in 2.5 years (thank you extra FAA Airframe and Navy Credits), got Hired on with McDonnell-Douglas and continued on through the merger with Boeing. 15 years later I left for GE Aviation, but point is for the last 5 years at Boeing and now at GE, my salary is well above 6 figures and allows me to fly when I want. Now that I no longer have a Orange County mortgage, I'm in the market for a plane. Life is pretty good (even with that Aviation Management Degree...lol).

I would have loved to have chosen the fly for a living route, however I would have never been where I am today at the same time it took. Plan now is to retire mid 50's and instruct PT.

Just my 2 Kopeks
Re: Looking for 2 cents...considering aviation after militar

Its interesting you mention that because I was also considering going the aviation maintenance route instead that way my Navy maintenance experience would be somewhat relevent to the job and I would still be working with planes. I know a few local community colleges in my hometown (Seattle) that offer the 2 year A&P cert program. I have a few friends who work at Boeing as hourly employees and would not mind at all working there they said their union benefits are great. Id hate to use 2 years of my GI bill for that cert though if it doesnt do me much good if the industry is bad and I could use it to get a masters degree instead. So many options to consider..