If I understand your question through the yelling, you're asking what kind of trouble you can get if you fly with a CFI who is not checked out at your FBO under circumstance in which the CFI will be acting PIC on the flight.
The answer is, probably none as far as the FAA is concerned. FBO checkout requirements have nothing to do with the FAR.
The answer is, probably a lot as far as your FBO is concerned, depending of course on your FBO's rules about who is allowed to teach in their airplanes, who is allowed to act as PIC in their airplanes, and who is allowed to fly their airplanes.
Example: Let's say your FBO is one of those that provides some liability protection, even one as simple as you only have to pay the deductible if you bend an airplane. You violate the FBO rules and bend and airplane and you can kiss that protection goodbye.