Off in a few hours for the east coast and thence across the Atlantic, and off to Iraq for the next 5-6 months. Here's what I get to deal with on the first leg about 8 hours from now:
KCEF 130533Z 130606 17010KT 2SM BR OVC002
FM0800 17010KT 1SM SHRA BR OVC002
FM1100 22014KT P6SM BKN040
FM1300 25015G36KT P6SM SCT040
FM1600 25020G40KT P6SM BKN040
FM0100 27013KT P6SM BKN045
I'll try to keep the updates coming, as able, but no guarantee on checking in, and definately not at the frequency of before.
Adios to all. Don't leave the light on......
KCEF 130533Z 130606 17010KT 2SM BR OVC002
FM0800 17010KT 1SM SHRA BR OVC002
FM1100 22014KT P6SM BKN040
FM1300 25015G36KT P6SM SCT040
FM1600 25020G40KT P6SM BKN040
FM0100 27013KT P6SM BKN045
I'll try to keep the updates coming, as able, but no guarantee on checking in, and definately not at the frequency of before.
Adios to all. Don't leave the light on......