Last night I got to fly with...


New Member


Got to BKL last night at 4. The winds...there were no winds. Absolutely calm. The sun was setting. My instructor and I went up, did two normal landings...and I mean normal. Not even a hint of a slip was needed. We did an engine failure simulation, a no flaps landing, and then he said, "Time to do this on your own". Yeehaa!!

Landed, got all my endorsements, and took off for 3 full stops.

Made two firm landings, and a the final landing was so smooth that it would've brought a tear to your eye. The only thing that one was in the plane to feel that landing

All in all a great experience.

Oh, and for those of you who are curious I had 26.3 hours when I soloed.

Cheers...and happy flying.

[quote, and a the final landing was so smooth that it would've brought a tear to your eye. The only thing that one was in the plane to feel that landing

[/ QUOTE ]

And you'll probably never be able to repeat it, especially with pax aboard. That's how it always seems to work.

So here's a question for you all.

Now that I'm a newly minted solo student and I know that to be effective you need to plan out what you're doing in the plane before you go. What would you suggest that I do / work on my first solo flight.

Keeping the plane in the air.

I worked on landings, landings, landings before I got the guts to go out into the practice area and just... fly.
Congrats that’s an accomplishment. For me with the exception of CYTZ in Toronto BKL is the next best thing to Migs (airport right on the lake in the downtown of a big city). You had to have one hell of a sunset over the lake last night.
Congrats dude!!!! Best feeling in the world, aint it? Also the plane seems to be more manuverable without a FAT CFI sitting right next to you.
ONE MORE BIG CONGRATS!!!! Listen man, as far as the pre-flight preparation and planning goes, there is really nothing special you need to do before a pattern or practice area solo flight. Just check the weather. But remember one thing above all at this point. YOU are the MASTER of that airplane, if its doing something you dont want it to do, FIX IT, make it do what YOU want it to do. In other words, FLY THE PLANE, and dont let IT fly you. Good luck, and HAVE FUN!!!
Captain Hook,
did the pilots survive in that video footage of yours? I beleive I have seen that before. My Aviation Safety instructor at Riddle was ex-Airforce and showed us a two hour video he put together of military crashes and close calls...ILS
Congrats on the solo. I wish I could say my first solo was as good as yours. I royally sucked. To the point of taxing to the wrong runway.
Captain Hook,
did the pilots survive in that video footage of yours? I beleive I have seen that before. My Aviation Safety instructor at Riddle was ex-Airforce and showed us a two hour video he put together of military crashes and close calls...ILS

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Yeah I'm sure the pilots' ok. Just watch the clip carefully and try to focus on the cockpit right before the plane hits the ground. The pilot Ejected right on time before impact. If he did die, maybe its because he ejected himself horizontally from the plane and his parachute did not open up before hitting the ground.
Good Job!!! Like MikeD said you'll never land that way with pax or your instructor. The first time I ever bounced was after I'd done all kinds of touch and goes. Instructor goes up and when we landed boing boing boing I went