New Member
Got to BKL last night at 4. The winds...there were no winds. Absolutely calm. The sun was setting. My instructor and I went up, did two normal landings...and I mean normal. Not even a hint of a slip was needed. We did an engine failure simulation, a no flaps landing, and then he said, "Time to do this on your own". Yeehaa!!
Landed, got all my endorsements, and took off for 3 full stops.
Made two firm landings, and a the final landing was so smooth that it would've brought a tear to your eye. The only thing that one was in the plane to feel that landing
All in all a great experience.
Oh, and for those of you who are curious I had 26.3 hours when I soloed.
Cheers...and happy flying.
Got to BKL last night at 4. The winds...there were no winds. Absolutely calm. The sun was setting. My instructor and I went up, did two normal landings...and I mean normal. Not even a hint of a slip was needed. We did an engine failure simulation, a no flaps landing, and then he said, "Time to do this on your own". Yeehaa!!
Landed, got all my endorsements, and took off for 3 full stops.
Made two firm landings, and a the final landing was so smooth that it would've brought a tear to your eye. The only thing that one was in the plane to feel that landing

All in all a great experience.
Oh, and for those of you who are curious I had 26.3 hours when I soloed.
Cheers...and happy flying.