I can't answer most of those questions, but right now enrollment is pretty low at FSI. But, it seems to be picking up a bit as we get into the fall. At the peak of things (I've heard) there were about 500 students flying. That included airline contracts, etc. Well, the airline contracts are down to a couple here and there and the student load now is around 100 flying.
A nice side effect of that is that there's no shortage of aircraft! Plus, I couldn't imagine having 2-3 times more planes buzzing around in the practice areas.
I think that FSI has been pretty good about not touting the "zero to hero" bit and other than the ASA bridge program (which is no more) they haven't promised any "guaranteed interviews" or anything like that.
Unfortunately, the somewhat more realistic approach that FSI takes (in my opinion) doesn't make for a nice glossy ad with a lot of unrealistic claims.
Let's just browse through AOPA's Flight Training magazine for some juicy quotes:
<ul type="square">[*]Your direct line to... Airline and Corporate Careers
[*]Record hiring on the horizon
[*]Choose an Academy whose only goal is to get you hired at an airline - sooner than possible ANYWHERE ELSE.
[*]Your Airline Career Starts Here!
[*]Single Mom...Airline Bound (my personal favorite...)
[*]Dad got me started in the cockpit - FlightSafety Academy go me started in a career. (ok, just to be fair...)
[*]Being owned by Delta means everything!
[*]Placing pilots with (insert airline here)!
[*]We have the seats no other school can fill!
[*]The investment in your future is secure... Delta owns School X
[*]School X GUARANTEES a job interview to our graduates within the Delta Connection system** (see fine print #2b(i))
[*]Accelerated 12 month "Jet-Direct" program
[*]Come for the degree. Leave for the majors. (What's that, major disappointment?)
[*]School Z First Officers are Airline Trained and Airline Sought
[*]Call now and find out what the Airlines want you to know that the flight schools won't tell you. [/list]
As far as the other questions, I have no idea. Hopefully things are working out for those who want it to. I know that some people come to this and other schools because they have nothing better to do and they like spending money. Some of them leave before finishing their instrument ratings. Ooops.
I understand what you're getting at and I agree with you. Luckily I had jetcareers.com to help dispel some of the myths and hype involved in the larger schools. I'm at FSI and about to finish my CFI. I'll probably do my CFII and then head off into the "real" world where the planes don't quite work like the manufacturer intended
(j/k). 91.205 and 91.213 are overrated anyway.
Looking back, I'm glad that I made the decision to come here, but that's only because it fit my set of circumstances. I wouldn't just automatically recommend a 141 school to somebody if their situation didn't warant it, i.e. an 18 yr. old, just out of high school. Of course that is unless they had money to burn and that's what they wanted to do...
Maybe we could all chip in some money and get jetcareers.com an ad in Flight Training magazine so more people could enlighten themselves... That's a good one. A pilot with some money! hahaha