KAUS Planespotting


Polished Member
Any good places to spot from that anyone has tried? I'm going to be there late next week and had the itch to get my first 787 pics.
Not sure if the 787 regularly uses a specific runway but 17L/35R has a public viewing area by the old golf course. I'm not a big spotter but I have seen people pulled over at the approach end of runways taking pictures before as well.
@JustinS probably has all your answers.

There are good spots if you drive around the airport area, but don't try and shoot from the long-term lot. They don't like that.
The family viewing area is good. You have a vantage point of almost the entire airport, but really only good to watch 17L/35R operations. @ChasenSFO and I spotted from every vantage point we could think of at one point. There is a spot to watch arrivals on 17R at called greenwood cemetery that's a really good spot. Never spotted from there, but it's only good for watching 17R arrivals. The amount of airliners that use 17R vs. 17L is generally greater. The 787 can use either 17L or 17R so it's a toss up. Go look at flight aware, or listen to liveatc, and I'm sure you can pinpoint what runway they're usually using. Google earth and street view are your best friends to find good spotting locations btw.