Just landed a job with Bemidji

I don't know how trustworthy it is, but the guy that taught my TPE331 line maint class said that Ed was not real popular in the engineering dept. at Garrett.
I find that very easy to believe.

Everything metro/merlin seems like a cluster of stupid cost cutting measures. The end result is horrific...
I find that very easy to believe.

Everything metro/merlin seems like a cluster of stupid cost cutting measures. The end result is horrific...

And yet oddly awesome. Although how the thing managed to get single pilot certified is sort of a head scratcher.

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To be honest I've always wanted to fly a metro simply because of the ridiculous amount of idiosyncratic behaviors the metro is supposed to exhibit.

Don't do that! I repeat, don't do that! you won't thank me later. Trust me, you're not missing out.
And yet oddly awesome. Although how the thing managed to get single pilot certified is sort of a head scratcher.

We're going to have to agree to disagree on the bold part. Yes, single pilot type is kinda pushing it in that sewer pipe of a thing.
I'm sure @Lurie389 can regale us with..ahem...fond...memories of his solo Sewerpipe time.

I believe Charles Dickens said it best: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." In all honesty, rarely a day goes by that I don't fondly think back to flying the bird. Favorite thing ever was (and it only happened perfectly a few times) being cleared for the visual to 35 abeam the numbers on left downwind at 8000'. And The Lord said, "Let there be NTSing." And there was. And it was good.
Haha just in the sim. Did one on climb out on the check ride in the plane, but that one was much less terrifying. I can only imagine a real one at V1. Woof.

Yup, as soon as the gear was up it was a single engine climb and fun times. Reason I bring it up is because there's a big difference between being light and doing it vs. being at MTOW or close to it. I don't think an actual event past V1 would have a good outcome. The metro 23 might be different, but I don't think a 2 or 3 would be able to make it.