Just here to vent about an unjust event last night from my half-brother


Well-Known Member
A little back story. My parents were divorced my entire life so I didn't see my father's mother who lived in Washington State for 30 years. I grew up in NYC. Well, fast forward 30 years I went out to meet her and catch up and meet my half brother again. I kept going back to visit over 2 years. I drove her around to see things she hasn't seen in a long time. Her husband past away years before. She was enjoying herself and even told me food was tasting better. Well, she past away and I flew out there for everything. It was me, my two half brothers and my father to tend to the affairs, sell the house etc. She left my brothers and I in her will to split everything.

My half brother that still lives out there and doesn't have much. He lives in a small, dirty old travel trailer, an alcoholic and growing up our father gave him Special Forces beatings. Our father was a career Green Beret in Vietnam. So I try to help out when I can. I've sent him (via Amazon) new pots and pans, clothes, kitchen glasses, kitchen utensils, a damn BBQ grill, food via Amazon, and last week he said his pillow disintegrated and there were feathers all over. So I sent him new pillows and covers and really good vitamins because his diet is terrible.

Well last night he posted this on his FB page saying he "saw this when our grandmother died".

He actually said to me in that post that I was one of the "Vultures" he was talking about. After years of sending him things to make his life easier he said this to/about me. I was hurt, mad and disappointed. Still am. I think it's time to just take a step back for a while. I showed my wife when it happened and said this is why I don't go running to people. She was hurt for me as well. Let's see what happens next.
I’m sorry to hear this. You are a good son. You did the right thing taking care of him, but now are publicly shamed.

I won’t get into then story now, but my maternal grandma (only alive grandparent now) betrayed and broke my mother’s heart. I have no doubt the ordeal has taken 10 yrs off my mother’s life. When my grandmother passes, that is one bereavement leave I won’t be taking.

Feeling betrayed and hurt by family, when you did everything right, is a special kind of hellish treatment. I’m sorry you’re going through this.

And wardogg isn’t wrong. Deleting my FB over 10 yrs ago was one of my better life decisions.