I was wondering if this subject has ever been presented to the forum?
It seems to me from reading 100's of posts in the past week or so that there are a lot of new people here who are looking for a little guidance about making the big leap into an unstable industry. The choice of whether to maintain a steady job that has security and stability or follow your dream and become a pilot is a hard one to make. To go to a Flight Academy or local FBO? I know that the majority of you out there have had to make the decision. Would it have made it any easier if you had a "mentor" of sorts to help with all the questions and uncertainty? I know that in my current career as a cameraman in Hollywood, it made all the difference in the world to have someone to help get my foot in the door. Every job that I got over the past 7 years came from the very first film I did and the contacts that I made there. I have always tried to do the same for new people in the business. Trying to help them muddle through all the crap and get them going on a track to decent training and jobs. Perhaps, the veterans here could adopt a similar program. Partnering up with a newcomer, possibly from the same town, to help out and encourage. We all know that there are no guarantees in the airline business, but, when you are just getting started, you want to know that if you put in the work at least there is a slight chance that you can fulfill your dreams. I think it is an idea that may well be served in this forum. Let me know what you think.
Future Pilot
It seems to me from reading 100's of posts in the past week or so that there are a lot of new people here who are looking for a little guidance about making the big leap into an unstable industry. The choice of whether to maintain a steady job that has security and stability or follow your dream and become a pilot is a hard one to make. To go to a Flight Academy or local FBO? I know that the majority of you out there have had to make the decision. Would it have made it any easier if you had a "mentor" of sorts to help with all the questions and uncertainty? I know that in my current career as a cameraman in Hollywood, it made all the difference in the world to have someone to help get my foot in the door. Every job that I got over the past 7 years came from the very first film I did and the contacts that I made there. I have always tried to do the same for new people in the business. Trying to help them muddle through all the crap and get them going on a track to decent training and jobs. Perhaps, the veterans here could adopt a similar program. Partnering up with a newcomer, possibly from the same town, to help out and encourage. We all know that there are no guarantees in the airline business, but, when you are just getting started, you want to know that if you put in the work at least there is a slight chance that you can fulfill your dreams. I think it is an idea that may well be served in this forum. Let me know what you think.

Future Pilot