This post is at the top of the networking forum and will stay here. This is the place for you to post ONLY your Home airport. the idea for this is if a JC member finds they are on a trip , Cargo, 135, or 121 airline, and has the time you might get an invite to come out and visit, or even sit upfront and make vroom vroom noises in some very cool airplanes. This may work better for the folks flying part 135 charter, but even others who are students or pvt pilots building time can check this posting and see if anyone is along their route of flight or intended destination.
Then if a pilot hitting the road checks this you may get a PM saying Hey I will be in town come on out.
A word of caution though, any invitation puts you down at the bottom on the list of priorities.
Don’t be waiting at the FBO, and run out to the airplane once landed let the crews shut down disembark the pax or cargo, and/or put the airplane to bed.
Superfluous information will be edited out.
Please post in the following format.
Screen name: Jet pilot 007: Airports: KABE, KTTN, KMMU, KDAB. FEEL FREE TO ADD THE CITIES AS WELL
For those of you using this finder list the best way to check for pilots is to select **ALL* to show all the posts on one page and then using the Find command (Ctl-F) enter your destination airport. I just tested it with two flight plans from our company and had three forum users make the “hit”
<font color="red"> mavmb1 suggested we add the City, As not everyone knows where the Airports are by Identifiers. </font>
<edit to add 11/7/06, SteveC>
The new forum software doesn't have a "View All" option, but it does have a "Search Thread" function. The search funtion only recognizes strings of 4 letters or more, so make sure that you enter your airport as Kxxx or it won't register in the search.
Then if a pilot hitting the road checks this you may get a PM saying Hey I will be in town come on out.
A word of caution though, any invitation puts you down at the bottom on the list of priorities.
Don’t be waiting at the FBO, and run out to the airplane once landed let the crews shut down disembark the pax or cargo, and/or put the airplane to bed.
Superfluous information will be edited out.
Please post in the following format.
Screen name: Jet pilot 007: Airports: KABE, KTTN, KMMU, KDAB. FEEL FREE TO ADD THE CITIES AS WELL
For those of you using this finder list the best way to check for pilots is to select **ALL* to show all the posts on one page and then using the Find command (Ctl-F) enter your destination airport. I just tested it with two flight plans from our company and had three forum users make the “hit”
<font color="red"> mavmb1 suggested we add the City, As not everyone knows where the Airports are by Identifiers. </font>
<edit to add 11/7/06, SteveC>
The new forum software doesn't have a "View All" option, but it does have a "Search Thread" function. The search funtion only recognizes strings of 4 letters or more, so make sure that you enter your airport as Kxxx or it won't register in the search.