Well-Known Member
I have noticed a few posts on the topic of PFT lately so I figured I would put in my two cents. I think that programs such as Gulfstream Intl should be called PFUTT ( Paying for Unearned Turbine Time). I think the term PFT(Pay for training) is incorrect because everyone pays for training some how. The difference is that once you get your commercial rating and your multi-engine time you shouldnt be paying for flight time anymore. If you have to pay a company at all to occupy a position that REQUIRES your presence to execute that flight then it should be PFUTT(paying for unearned turbine time). Everyone should have to pay their dues in this buisness to get to fly the big stuff. If people wouldnt pay for this unearned time then maybe starting pilot wages would be a little different. If pilots would just be patient then the companys would have to pay pilots descent starting wages instead of having to pay just to get a job. People who pay just to get a job such as gulfstream intl really undermine the buisness and should not be allowed to get jobs at other airlines when they are finished paying for their unearned time.