Is ERAU Daytona moving their entire campus ???


Well-Known Member
My friend called me from Daytona and said he heard on the news that Riddle was going to move the entire campus to a airport north of Daytona. The city claims it will lose something like 5 million a year in revenue. Any of you Riddle students know if there is any truth to this? ILS
My friend called me from Daytona and said he heard on the news that Riddle was going to move the entire campus to a airport north of Daytona. The city claims it will lose something like 5 million a year in revenue. Any of you Riddle students know if there is any truth to this? ILS

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Kinda reminds me of when Riddle PRC wanted to move to Willie Gateway in the early 90s.
I doubt they would just up and move after plopping down a multi million dollar new AeroSci building, but then is Riddle we're talking about. My old roommate works in the presidents office, I'll ask him next time I talk to him...he'd probably know.
That makes more sense. I did not think they would just up and build a whole new campus. If they did, it would take several years anyway. I have flown into Ormond Beach several times. Neat little airport...ILS
I wouldnt put it past ERAU to move the entire campus. The would just raise the tuition to an even more astronomical level!!! The sad part is people would probablly still pay it.
Prolly is Flagler, I know it was one of the two; this capt program has become a royal pain in the a$$ after St Augustien pulled what they did. At least they are leaving Daytona, we have more traffic then we already need. Happy Flying