Internship programs and hiring agreements?


New Member
I just received an info pack from UND, but there is no mention of what internship programs I could look forward too. What IS an intership program really?

Also, can you get a hiring agreement with airlines so that once you have a good amount of total time working as a CFI, you get hired?



Basically, when you do your internship you take a semester or a summer off from school to go work in the "real world" for a company in your field of study.

The students get good experience and a resume builder. The employers get cheap (free actually) labor, because most internships are not paid. That’s right NO INCOME!

Internships can either be great or they can really suck. It really depends on whom you work for.

I did an internship during my second year of college with Air Wisconsin. Myself and several of my classmates, moved to Aspen CO for 5 months during ski season. It was the best 5 months of my life. I enjoyed it so much I almost didn’t come back.

My job duties were working on the ramp, throwing bags, doing weight and balance, and helping at the ticket counter, at the gate, and in baggage claim. It was a lot of fun. Did I mention we all got free unlimited use, ski passes for all 4 resorts in Aspen. That was awesome!

On the other hand, I have had friends who have interned with company’s that basically stuck them in a closet and made them shuffle paper for 8 hours a day for a few months. That's less than productive.

Here at UND we have many different internship opportunities. United, American, (The former) TWA, ACA, and Air Wisconsin. And many others.

For more detailed info on all our internships go to the UND Aerospace Webpageand click on "Student Services" These are the people that organize all of the internships. They are very helpful and would be happy to answer all of your questions.

As far as the hiring agreement goes...I wish. The new Dean of UND Aerospace used to work for Delta. (He was the director of training I think) When he came aboard, there was some talk that we might get an agreement like that with Delta. Unfortunately it didn’t work out. Not that I blame Delta any. We have some really good instructors here, but there is a big difference between flying a Seminole and a B-737.

Any other questions, please feel free to ask here or send me a PM or email